The Home Office Realty Celebrates 25 Years with Open House Fri, Feb 28th 5-7 PM!
Come celebrate The Home Office Realty's 25th anniversary Friday, Feb 28th from 5 to 7 PM at The Home Office Realty's Event Center located at 110 S. Ball St, just behind the Main St office for an open house celebration in Owosso, MI. Please join us for food, refreshments, music, and fun!
Free Saturday Morning Yoga
Morgan Beilfuss, Mid-Michigan's #1 Selling Real Esate Agent from The Home Office Realty in Owosso is offering a free yoga class to anyone interested on the 1st Saturday of every month, except 4th of July weekend! Space is limited, reserve your spot by emailing Morgan at #topagent #owosso #owossorealestatecompany #toprealestateagent #yoga #shiawasseecounty
Mid-Michigan's Top Selling Real Estate Agent
Thank you to all my clients and customers. I had a banner year in 2024 with over $28,700,000.00 SOLD in Shiawassee county and surrounding areas, making me Mid-Michigan's top selling real estate agent and I could not do it without all of you! I had the pleasure of working with 138 families! Many of you bought your forever home after having bought your first home with me years ago. So many of your referred your friends and family to me, even children that were just babies when we first met and were ready to buy their first homes. I am grateful to all of you. #Topagent #Topsellingagent #MidMichigan #Shiawasseecounty #localexpert
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